Archived News for Industry Professionals - June, 2014
The Federal Government is looking to remove a new requirement, forcing workers on offshore oil and gas rigs to have the support of a 457 visa.
Robotic rates rises in push for inhuman efficiency
Experts estimate that millions of jobs will be affected by the rise of robots in the next two decades, and Australian industries might be some of the hardest hit.
Safety and speed helped by level moves in Melbourne
The Victorian Government is claiming a win for community and driver safety, job creation and a cut to congestion with a plan worth over $450 million.
Santos plans to dig deeper than ever in NT quest
Santos says it will drill what may be Australia’s deepest exploration wells in its efforts to find shale gas and oil in the Northern Territory.
Asset sale spree starts with QLD looking to sell
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has warned that electricity prices will rise by 13.6 per cent in July, while the State Government moves to sell some of its energy assets.
Building union brought to court over concrete claims
Fair Work has launched legal action against a CFMEU secretary accused of organising blockades.
Secondary moves slammed as choking technique
Master Builders Australia and a number of business groups have joined the fight against Australia’s “militant” union movement.
Waste site fight in court before moving back north
A fight over the site for nuclear waste dumping in Australia will hit Federal Court today.