Archived News for Industry Professionals
A court has been urged to impose jail time on two former NSW Labor MPs.
Dam crew wins flood appeal
The Queensland Government’s water utility has won an appeal against a 2011 flood damages ruling.
F-35 issues continue
More questions have been asked about the future of the F-35 fighter jet program.
Court actions don't delay Beetaloo drilling
The Federal Government is paying taxpayer money to oil and gas companies to open up the NT’s Beetaloo Basin, despite legal issues.
Nyrstar stung for sulphur leak
The owners of Port Pirie's lead smelter have been fined $35,000 for leaking 700 litres of “toxic” sulphuric acid into waterways.
High-tech floorboards tested
Swiss engineers have designed a new ‘nanogenerator’ that enables wood to generate energy from footfalls.
SafeWork launches ladder sweep
SafeWork NSW is cracking down on height-based risks on construction sites.
Senate finds FIRB flaws
A Senate inquiry has found that Australia's foreign investment rules “make a mockery” of important processes.
Skyview engineer probed
A NSW engineer is being investigated over apartment “structural issues” in a first for the state.
Coal price hits new peak
Coal prices have hit a record high despite efforts to de-carbonise the global economy.
Debt-ridden firm secures expansion
Wollongong Coal has secured approval for a mine extension despite its $1 billion debt.
Greens push 'tycoon tax'
The Greens have proposed a new “tycoon tax” modelled on a former Labor policy.
Power firms want border reform
Some of the world’s biggest electricity companies have warned that border closures could lead to blackouts.
UN pushes emissions pledge
A senior UN official says the climate crisis will “wreak havoc” on Australia’s economy if coal is not phased out.
Ambient charging tested
Researchers are working on a new system that could see an entire room turned into a charger for devices located within it.
PC deems water list adequate
The Productivity Commission says reporting of foreign ownership of Australian water is sufficient.
Big rail review launched
A review of Australia’s interstate rail network regulations has been launched.