Treasurer Scott Morrison is under fire for blocking the sale of NSW electricity assets to China.

The Federal Government has blocked land clearing that may have damaged the Great Barrier Reef.

Indonesian seaweed farmers are fighting for more than $200 million in compensation after a 2009 oil spill in the Timor Sea.

Systemic disadvantages in rural and regional communities will get worse.

Federal authorities have reviewed the ways that asbestos-laden products make it into Australia.

Dramatic footage shows a 17,000 tonne oil rig running aground in Scotland.

Supporters are calling for significant federal funds to save Arrium steel.

Sea Shepherd is sending a vessel to fight plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight.

The world needs to stop dumping its e-waste on developing nations, experts say.

Reports say Queensland taxpayers face a bill of over $3 billion to clean up the state's coal mines.

Tasmania’s Opposition says businesses are still skittish after the failed sale of...

The Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) has voted in favour of development assessment panels (DAP).

WA Premier Colin Barnett has hinted at a review of the state’s Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC).

Mining bosses say a global climate for fear could be good for gold prices.

German engineers have unveiled a rolling robot dubbed ‘Wheel 2.0’.

Conservationists have failed in their bid to stop a coal seam gas wastewater treatment project near the Pilliga State Forest.

The Climate Council has responded to criticism of South Australia’s renewable energy network.

Canberra Hospital will soon be topped with a 500kW solar array.

A new report uses six key mining projects to show the cosy and secretive relationships between political parties and the mining industry.

Industrial researchers at CRCMining say they have come up with a safer alternative than gas fracking.

Environmentalists have questioned the independence of a key figure in SA’s nuclear waste dump plan.

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