Archived News for Industry Professionals
Rio Tinto’s new coal boss has given a fairly gloomy outlook on the future of his new portfolio.
Old deposit could be dug again
A high grade mineral deposit in New South Wales could be mined again, 20 years after it was shut down.
Truck stats show deaths down, injuries rise
New figures show fatal truck crash incidences have risen in the last year.
WA moves on big rail build
The WA Government has requested proposals for the $1.575 billion Perth Freight Link project.
57-storey super-build sets pre-fab benchmark
A Chinese construction company has put together the world’s tallest pre-fab tower in less than three weeks.
Andrews looks at new roads for federal money
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has revealed new costs in the scrapping of the East West Link project, while he tries to garner support for a different road build.
AusPost to make most of digital offerings
Australia Post is partnering with QUT to explore the savings and other opportunities of digital transformation.
Builders want budget to silence strikes, boost confidence
As the Federal Budget looms, business leaders in building and construction have asked for measures to boost building confidence.
Calm construction puts WA workers at risk
West Australia’s housing market is heading for oversupply, leading speculation of large-scale jobs cuts and reductions.
Carmichael claims don't play out
Financial evidence in a Queensland court suggests the proposed Carmichael coalmine in the Galilee Basin would operate at a loss and not bring the public money it promises.
Chimneys chasing panels' place in the sun
While solar panels gain popularity – and increase in efficiency – around the world, experts say some alternative design could help us gain more free power from the Sun.
China's investment to hit incredible figures
Analysts predict up to $60 billion of Chinese money will be poured into the Australian housing market in coming years.
HoloLens hailed as architecture aid
Microsoft’s new wearable hologram projector could revolutionise building and architecture.
Soil turned on new sites for F-35
Construction has commenced on $1.5 billion worth of storage for the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter.
Approval questioned as Tiwi port storms ahead
There is controversy over a $130 million deep sea port in the Northern Territory, after claims that the project went ahead despite having no environmental approval.
BHP warned credit rating could slip
BHP Billiton, the world’s biggest mining firm, could have its credit rating downgraded.
FWC findings for beard that broke the rules
The Fair Work Commission has upheld a decision to sack a BHP employee whose beard became a safety issue.
High-tech gold tracker gets deep
Australian researchers are working on a portable, highly sensitive method for gold detection, which could allow mineral exploration companies to test for gold on-site.
Kits to fix WA's dark tourist toll
The Road Safety Council says tourists have “no idea” about issues of driver fatigue and the importance of seatbelts.
Local duo take hold of hypersonics
Two Australian engineering students will get a chance to test their hypersonic ideas in a project that could revolutionise modern transport.
McAleese deals with lower iron price
Transport contractor McAleese has detailed the cost of the dwindling iron ore price – and its dealings with Atlas Iron – on its bottom line.