Archived News for Industry Professionals
Hunter Water is consulting with legal experts to find out if it can release the findings of an investigation into coal seam gas sewer contamination.
Workplace walls stop female engineering
Industry insiders say an attitude problem is keeping Australian women out of engineering.
Backflip knocks uranium off the table
The Queensland Government is planning ban uranium mining once more.
Caution called after near coal pile calamity
Outback airline pilots have been warned against relying only on sight to land, after a plane tried to tough down on a coal stockpile.
Details missed in retail sweep
A WorkCover Queensland sweep of the retail sector has found an alarming lack of understanding among employers as to their workers’ compensation obligations.
Green bus deal to sweep Euro streets
Volvo Buses has signed an agreement with tech giant Siemens to supply electrified bus systems to cities.
Light shines on underground gas worry
Leaked government documents suggest workers for mining company Linc Energy were exposed to “uncontrolled releases” of gas in Queensland.
Protection levels slip in manufacturing
A Safe Work Australia study has shown that some manufacturing workers are going unprotected in the face of serious hazards.
Shifting danger shown in harsh numbers
The transport sector has seen the highest number of deaths in any Australian industry this year.
Shipping switch may not fix Tassie's woes
A new deal hopes to allow Tasmanian exporters to access markets currently out of reach.
Structure strength mapped across scales
A new project is building a set of maps that can predict the strength of any structure.
Zimbabwe's diamond haul called in
Zimbabwe is undertaking a massive nationalisation of its diamond mines.
Clean coal capture claimed
The mining industry is taking steps to reduce the hefty toll of carbon emissions from coal-fired power stations.
Gas flood washing past local industries
An industry leader has slammed Australia’s lack of effective energy policy, saying the nation is driving up its own gas prices at the cost of local innovation.
Locals look overseas for industrial answers
Australian authorities have put out a new paper in the quest for a better way to manage infrastructure worldwide.
More lean toward big China building bank
There is strong speculation that the Federal Government will switch its stance against a big Chinese bank, in the hope of securing money for infrastructure.
Investments questioned as local money hits US road
A big Australian super fund is investing in US projects due to a lack of opportunities at home.
New job rates detailed
Unemployment has slipped down to 6.3 per cent, with 15,600 jobs added in the latest period.
Quick fix sought for rampant training rort
The Federal Government has unveiled legislation to stop abuse of the vocational education loans scheme.
Abbott and Andrews write with gritted teeth
The Prime Minister and the Victorian Premier could be heading for a showdown, following a heated exchange of letters this week.
Alliance takes anti-mine line to voters
Fighting against growing risks to farmland, native forests and water supplies will be the focus of the vocal Lock the Gate Alliance ahead of the upcoming NSW election.