Archived News for Industry Professionals
Australia’s place as the future home of cheap energy is at risk, according to reports, from the rise of North American, Brazilian and East African resource projects.
Cuts could show little interest in northern fix
Cuts to the office in charge of developing northern Australia mean remote communities will continue missing out, some say.
Banks recoil from risky port
Major banks say they are not keen on Queensland coal port expansions, which are also the subject of a damning scientists’ report.
Miner's find brings big new supply
An Australian mining firm has come across a vast new water source in the Northern Territory.
Water worry washed in media back-and-forth
The WA Conservation Council has been slammed for a full-page advertisement that claimed CSG ‘fracking’ puts water supplies at risk.
Air travel boost on eagle's wing
Australian researchers are seeking a patent on an system that mimics the way feathers help birds detect disturbances in the air.
Bill to bring better view of bribes
A Bill will be tabled this week that seeks to hold Australian companies accountable for bribes paid overseas.
Billion dollar fund to fight ghost of Mr Fluffy
The Federal Government has put up $1 billion to help asbestos-affected families in the ACT.
Bus drivers strike to match nearby rates
Sunshine Coast bus drivers will walk off the job on November 1.
Cartel claims bring Indigenous scrutiny
Authorities are looking into allegations of “cartel conduct” by mining companies and Aboriginal heritage service providers.
Claims of kick-back found in WA rail deal
A secret deal for the Western Australian Government to get a slice of Brookfield Rail’s grain profits has been revealed.
Cow ban goes to court
Companies from all parts of the cattle export supply chain will be involved in a class action against the Commonwealth.
Palmer's plans slammed by former party-mate
A former Palmer United Party candidate has the party for alleged attempts to gain political leverage for the party leader’s mining interests.
Road board revived to save more lives
Businesses, police, transport and safety authorities are joining forces to boost safety.
Sub deal sold as Australia seeks others
Defence Minister David Johnston has sent a strong signal that Australia’s next fleet of submarines will not be Australian.
Top truckie takes crown
Victorian fuel tanker driver Ben Johns has been crowned Australia's Best Driver.
Xenophon pays to quiz Qantas
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon bought $500 in Qantas shares in order to take the board to task at the recent Qantas AGM.
New frack fight site set up
AGL is moving ahead on a hydraulic fracturing plan for coal seam gas wells near Gloucester, setting up specialist equipment on a number of sites.
Samsung building a role in gas game
Tech giant Samsung is getting into gas, with word of a near-$1 billion deal to build an advanced liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant.
Shift lifts burden on small builders
The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has welcomed the removal of a builder accreditation requirement.
Union's super plan comes unstuck on stand
Revelations and denial in the latest instalment of the royal commission into unions.