Archived News for Industry Professionals
The Business Council of Australia says Western Australia and Victoria’s refusal to join the national occupational health and safety scheme will lead to higher costs.
Chevron supplies take Toll to new level
Toll will build some entirely new ships to fill a big new contract.
Deal sealed on new ground for uranium
Australia will sell uranium to India following several years of negotiation.
Frenzy fires up around big new find
A huge new oil deposit off Western Australia is being heralded as the largest discovery in over 30 years.
Huge Perth spend to get East ticking over
The WA government has approved $3 billion worth of infrastructure spending in Perth.
Thousand reasons per year to shunt rail stupidity
With more than 1,000 near hits around Australian railway lines every year, authorities are pleading for motorists to consider the potential impact.
Truck boss says five points will bring billions
A key figure in Australian logistics says action and reform are needed in five main areas if supply chain efficiency is to improve.
Big Blenners take-down delayed, refined
The Queensland Government will pay thousands in legal costs after it dropped over 700 charges against one trucking company.
Billions to gain by moving green goals
New modelling shows that Austrlaia’s energy giant stand to make billion from ar educiton in the Renewable Energy Target (RET)
Corruption on all sides as heads continue to roll
A man some considered one of the dodgiest politicians in New South Wales has resigned.
Giant firm splits to save favourite assets
BHP Billiton is splitting in two, spinning-off some of its less valuable divisions into a new company.
Swan says Labor belaboured by bosses' joint effort
Corporate and mining influences brought down the last Labor government, former treasurer Wayne Swan says.
Road fund freeze sees services squeezed
More councils are calling out for millions of dollars in federal road funding to be unfrozen.
Gas price will make green an easy bet
New analysis shows renewable energy is becoming the cheap and reliable option, while the uncertainty of gas requires a roll of the dice.
Small slip stops port strike for now
A strike that could hold up millions in resource export has been delayed, because the organisers accidentally scheduled it at the wrong time.
Call for new nationwide tanker rules
Unions want the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) to bring in new conditions for tanker operators nationwide.
Charges over noxious fumes freed in NSW
One mining company has received a $13,000 fine coupled with $24,000 in costs after one of its mine blasts led to the release of offensive fumes.
Foreign force for Gorgon questioned
The Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) says one company is trying to bring in dozens of foreign workers to avoid hiring Australians for a massive gas project in Western Australia.
Google boss plugs good points for robot cars
The man pushing to get humans out of the driver’s seat says computers will be better behind the wheel.
Headlights shine on poor driving practice
Chinese police are taking an eye-for-an-eye approach to people who over-use their headlights.
Malaysia Airlines makes moves to put past behind
Malaysia Airlines is beginning a phase of overhaul and renewal in the wake of recent air disasters.