Archived News for Industry Professionals
With talk of the federal budget’s hamstring job on state governments, some local governments are at least a little bit pleased at what their states have managed to provide.
Conflict costs companies, but can be used to connect
Public conflict can cost big companies in many ways, and new research shows how great that effect has been for one key economic driver.
Most big movers welcome road, rail and sea plans
Freight may be one of the few sectors looking optimistic after Budget night, with road, rail and sea transport all given a hand.
Trades and training to take broad hit but see slim benefit
Workers and families already doing it tough have had their safety net replaced with a concrete slab.
Aurizon wants to bury agreements in effort to cut to bone
One of Queensland’s main rail companies will ditch hundreds of workers in an effort to save $130 million.
China signing to start huge African rail deal
China has signed a deal to build the first stage of a line that will cross several African nations.
Decades of digging defined in QLD's new plan
The Queensland Government has put up its new blueprint for the future of mining, outlining the state’s intentions for the next thirty resourceful years.
Dispute cooled to kill need for more court
A settlement has been reached in grumblings between Qube Logistics and Wimmera Container Line (WCL).
Idea floated for innovative solar fix
A wastewater treatment site in South Australia is looking to solve two problems with one high-tech fix.
Missing report looks for better use of beacons
Prospectors are being urged to take better safety precautions, after the suspected death of one missing man and a series of costly searches.
New designs bring visibility to those left behind
An important gap has been filled to enhance safety and equality at work sites of all kinds.
Report finds main source across most burning buses
A new report has found the source of more than half of New South Wales bus fires.
Slow progress on speed report in SA
The South Australian Transport Department is looking for a little bit more data before releasing its report into speed limits on country roads.
Tension in supply chain as tugboat workers push to strike
A key driver of the national economy could be brought to a halt, as West Australian tugboat workers consider damming iron ore exports with possible strike action.
Trucking boss wants watchdog to look nationwide
The head of the Transport Workers Union has a recommendation which could deliver a better standard of politician.
Doors open for QLD's $16 billion mega-mine
The Queensland Government is pushing for a $16 billion coal development in the Galilee Basin.
Multi-purpose plan to improve roads through light and power
The advance of solar energy is linked to the surfaces on which panels can be stuck, and a new project adds roads and highways to that list.
White House turns back to green options
After years of delay, solar panels are back on the White House rooftop.
New state body to bring private money to public sites
A new body has been set up to manage state-owned TAFE properties on a “commercial basis”.
Gas holding plan damned by Minister
States want it, manufacturers want it, but the Federal Government seems unlikely to set up a domestic gas reservation policy anytime soon.
Party fighting making fast-track progress slow
An attempt to set up a fast-track for planning in the ACT is not going to quickly, with partisan bickering throwing the process into chaos.