Archived News for Industry Professionals
The Tasmanian Bus Association has put together its plan to tackle transport issues for an ageing and diversely located population.
Transport cops stride strong line to safety
Feedback has shown people feel safer on public transport when there are protective service officers (PSOs) around, but the overall perception is probably not what the police were aiming for.
Union stands up for 'outrageous' dismissal
The New South Wales Transport Workers Union has come to the defence of a heavy vehicle operator allegedly in the firing line of one of the worst bosses in the industry.
Electric big-wig says Australia should pay a carbon price
The vice-chairman of General Electric says Australia needs a price on carbon, but has not come up with the right plan yet.
Fossil fuels' environmental knock-out in two rounds found
A new Australian study has shown there is more than one way that fossil-fuel extraction damages the land when it is mined.
Golden path found to trim carbon dioxide for fuel
If there is one substance mankind is producing in abundance and looks likely to continue doing so, it would be carbon dioxide – but a new development may see the ability to turn large amounts of CO2 into biofuel.
IBM's subtle sacking spree continues
The Australian arm of computer giant IBM is planning to slash hundreds of jobs from its operations here, but it is unclear how deep the cuts will be.
Push for bigger stamp on poor choices
A large number of respondents to a recent survey say governments should take a more active role in controlling food labels to improve public health, education and benefit the environment.
States linked in Federal pledge for country coverage
The Federal Government may take a lead from Western Australia in its attempt to improve mobile phone coverage in country Victoria.
Stats show phone services improved, public calmed
It seems phone providers have stepped-up their game, or customers have relaxed a bit, with figures showing the number of phone industry complaints dropping by around a quarter in some states.
Talks to take green tips, trade from China
Some of the officials behind the massive sustainability push in China will soon address an Australian audience.
Dollar fears drive Hockey's boosting, raising
Treasurer Joe Hockey was responding to fears over lost potential resource profits in his recent move to raise the debt ceiling and boost the RBA, reports say.
Gonski trickles down to needy New South Wales
Schools in New South Wales have seen the start of benefits from the multi-billion dollar education funding reforms installed by the previous federal government.
Plan to allow paths other than research
The Liberal Party in South Australia may be bringing the directives of its federal counterpart into state classrooms – cutting research in favour of business investment.
Remote conduct catches up with Mr Rental
The Port Augusta branch of popular home appliance lenders Mr Rental has been charged after it was found to be engaging in unconscionable conduct.
Stats show sports fans paying-out
Sport remains a major element of Australian life and, recent data shows, a significant contributor to the nation’s wallet as well.
Survey shows the mounting workload Tassie teachers fight
An Australian Education Union survey has shown stress is a major factor weighing on the minds of Tasmanian teachers, amidst negotiations for better hours.
Top-tier stoush at exemplary employer
Debts and the fear of mismanagement has led to a large-scale spill of the executive board for several tourist resorts and centres in the Northern Territory and Queensland.
Indigenous training tack changing
The Australian Government needs an entirely new approach to job training and education for its Indigenous residents, according to philanthropist and businessperson Andrew Forrest.
Minister pushes boom offshore, still solid though
Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane says the release of exploration permits for offshore petroleum reserves shows the resources sector is still strong, despite spilling from the mainland into the ocean.
UN describes true cost of carbon, Abbott slams it
The Federal Government’s modification of Australia’s policies and general stance on climate change has been criticised by international authorities, prompting the Prime Minister to claim one expert did not know what she was talking about.