Archived News for Industry Professionals
Engineers Australia is looking toward a green future for the country’s large-scale industrial works.
Jobs lost as Newcrest gold struggles to float
Financial woes continue for gold-miners Newcrest. The company has been forced to axe hundreds of local and Australian workers from plants in Papua New Guinea, where half its operations are located.
New stats show transport industry lagging online
The transport industry is one of the slowest to adopt new information technologies in its business practices, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Palmer claims he's back on track, but assurance is not iron-clad
One of the country’s main mining employers has stopped short of assuring his workers their jobs are safe.
Second iron contract secures future for Leighton Holdings
Mining contractors Leighton Holdings has sealed the biggest deal in its history, signing on for $1.3 billion in work at Fortescue Metals’ Solomon Hub iron operation.
Technical review raises safety concerns at Latrobe mines
An expert advisory group has warned of safety dangers at at least seven brown coal mines in the Latrobe Valley.
Timber CEO's trial continues, new allegations of withholding
The author of an Australian Securities and Investment Commission report into fallen timber company Gunns’ alleged withholding of information from investors has given evidence in court. He says the company’s internal reports were very different from those given to shareholders.
Transport Union calls out for safety at work
The Transport Workers' Union says recent truck crashes are a reminder of the lethal pressures in Australia's most dangerous industry.
Australians yet to warm to major energy exporter
As the Federal Government prepares the country for the ‘Asian Century’, a new survey has shown the average Australian isn’t too big on our nearby neighbours.
Biodiesel transport back after drop in Australian dollar
A company with a real niche market in Australia has resumed operations. The country’s only biodiesel producer is jumping on a low Australian dollar and restarting exports.
Crossing safety awards for two state authorities
Transport bodies in Victoria and New South Wales have been praised for improvements to level crossing safety, with safety group Tracksafe giving its approval.
Funding committed for massive Sydney bypass
A joint funding agreement will see the construction of a 7.7km tunnel dubbed the ‘Sydney Bypass’.
MBA against 457 plan, calls for stop to proposed changes
Master Builders of Australia has come out against proposed changes to 457 visas, calling proposed changes an unwarranted and politicised attack.
New standards for underground utilities
A new set of standards has been released regarding underground utilities.
Poll shows strong support for Tasmanian wind farm
More than half of the respondents to a recent poll said they were in favour of a proposed $2 billion wind farm in Tasmania.
Rio Tinto retains diamond operations
After a year of courting buyers and business reviews, Rio Tinto has decided to shelf the plan to sell off its diamond division.
Telstra troubles continue as workers speak out
Reports say Telstra could have a serious problem in the wings, with several workers saying they were repeatedly exposed to unsafe asbestos levels and practices.
Vic government seeks consultation on freight plans
The Victorian Government is seeking to consult with transport industry members to develop an improved freight and logistics plan.
Work finally complete on Hume Highway duplication
The Prime Minister and Federal Transport Minister have officially opened the last Hume Highway bypass in New South Wales. The Federal representatives were joined by Duncan Gray, NSW Road Minister to cut the ribbon on the multi-million dollar bypass.
Workers locked out as energy industrial actions continue
Energy Australia has locked out workers from its Yallourn power station. The CFMEU Mining and Energy division says operators have been shut out indefinitely after industrial action over the weekend.
Newcrest investor relations swap out in the wake of scandal
The former head of Australian investor relations for Newcrest Mining is back at his old post. Reports today say Steve Warner has been filling in the firing line position for compatriot Spencer Cole in recent days.