The Western Australian Government has selected a preferred corridor and operational model for a new 350 kilometre natural gas pipeline to be constructed from Bunbury to Albany.

The Western Australian Government has released the final determination of the appeals leveled against the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) final report and recommendations for the proposed Browse Liquefied Natural Gas Precinct at James Price Point, north of Broome.

The federal Government has announced that the Productivity Commission will conduct an inquiry into the National Access Regime.

More Australian households than ever before are using diesel fuel to power their main motor vehicle according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Master Builders Australia has defended the current state of the building and construction apprenticeship before a Fair Work Australia tribunal, saying that the proposed wage changes by the CFMEU will make it the system unviable.

The Federal Government has launched its new mentoring program aimed at supporting apprentices in the construction industry.

The Northern Territory Government has introduced the Rail Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2012 before Territory Parliament, which, if passed, will allow for the creation of a single regulatory body to preside over rail safety.

The Federal Government has announced it has given environmental approval for the construction of the Bonaparte Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Project in the Northern Territory.

The Victorian Government has announced the appointment of Peter Dorling to the Board of the Victorian Regional Channels Authority (VRCA), the body which manages the state’s regional commercial port waters at the Port of Geelong, Port of Portland and Port of Hastings.

The Australian Syngas Association (ASA) has announced the appointment of Darrenn Medhurst as the company’s new Executive Director.

The Victorian Government has introduced legislation before State Parliament that it says will support Victorian university councils and TAFE boards in responding to future challenges and changes to the industry.

The Western Australian Government has hailed the passage of amendments to the Building Act 2011, with State Commerce Minister Simon O’Brien saying it will allow industry to take advantage of legislation’s original intention.

The Federal Government has announced an extra $400 million will be made available for trade training Centres (TTCs) in schools under Round Five of the national program.

The Queensland Government has welcomed the Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) decision to back uranium mining in the State.

Whirehaven Coal’s Maules Creek Coal Project has been granted approval by the New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission, subject to what it calls ‘stringent conditions’.

Engineering firm Monadelphous Group has announced it has been awarded a $320 million in construction and maintenance contracts from mining giant Rio Tinto.

Soon to be released research stands to advice residents on ways to best respond to future flooding caused by climate change.

North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) has announced the release of the Abbot Point Voluntary Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA), which it believes is the first collaborative study of its kind undertaken in Australia.

Former CEO of WorleyParsons, John Grill, has announced a $20 million personal gift to the University of Sydney.

The Western Australian Government has announced the appointment of former deputy commissioner of WA police Murray Lampard as the new chair of the Road Safety Council.

Engineering services giant WorleyParsons has announced its $100 million offer to acquire TWP Holdings has been accepted by its parent company, Basi Read Holdings.

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