Jupiter Mines has commenced a feasibility study on its A$1.6 billion Mount Ida Magnetite Project in the Central Yilgarn region of Western Australia.

Mount Ida is a key part of Jupiter’s strategy to become a global supplier of raw materials to the steel industry. The strategy is already well advanced, with construction of Jupiter’s 49.9 per cent owned Tshipi Manganese Project in South Africa commenced.

The Mount Ida feasibility study will be based on annual production of ten million tonnes of magnetite concentrate grading +68 per cent Fe. It is proposed that the concentrate will be transported along the existing railway from Menzies to the Port of Esperance on Western Australia’s south coast.

Australian mining Giant Rio Tinto has completed its $4 billion acquisition of Riversdale Mining after the compulsory acquisition of the remaining Riversdale shares was announced. The purchase of Riversdale Mining will significantly expand Rio's operations in Mozambique.

The Australian has revealed that Chinese mining giant Shenhua has been buying coal rich land throughout New South Wales in an attempt to shore up its coal base in Australia.

Mining giants BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are looking to generate up to $20 billion each in free cash flow according to Merril Lynch analysts.

Mining giant BHP Billiton has suffered another cost blowout after it was announced its Worsley alumina project has experienced a $1.2 billion blowout and nine month delay.

Queensland and Western Australia are set to experience a massive demand in skilled labour over the coming years, with 300,000 workers required to continue economic growth.

Western Australia’s Oakajee iron ore port and rail project has taken another serious blow after one of the two main developers announced it was struggling to raise the required funding for the site’s construction.

Geoscience Australia has released its Toward Future Energy Discovery, detailing the outcomes and achievements of the Australian Government’s five-year, $134 million Energy Security Initiative.

The Federal Government and Opposition are embroiled in a bitter dispute over the proposed carbon tax, with the Opposition proposing a non-binding $80 million plebiscite over the issue.

Rio Tinto has announced a $637.8 million investment in its Pilbara expansion plans, aimed at fast tracking the development of the company's iron ore production capacity.

Training proposals for construction workers, drillers, electrical technicians and mining workers will be among those considered for funding under the first round of the $200 million Critical Skills Investment Fund.

The Federal Government has released draft legislation for the introduction of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) for public comment.

A CSIRO research report has found that extending the life of existing iron ore mines in Australia and optimising marginal deposits would contribute an additional $56 billion to the national budget.

The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has demanded that the Queensland State Government do more to remove flood waters from the state's coal mine, saying that the reconstruction efforts rest on the maintaining of current royalty pricing in the state.

Royal Dutch Shell’s recently announced bid to be the first to build a floating liquefied natural gas operation may be thwarted by rival projects in Malaysia and Papua New Guinea, according to a report in the Australian Financial Review.

A report released by the Australian Coal Association on the impact of the proposed carbon price on the black coal mining sector in Queensland and New South Wales has warned that it would cost around 4,700 mining jobs in the two states, and up to 14,100  jobs in the wider Australian economy.

The Collie South West Hub capture and storage (CCS) trial project in Western Australia is to receive up to $104 million in matching Federal and State funding for the completion of a detailed storage viability study.

49 percent of all applications for the Western Australian Co-funded Exploration Drilling Program’s are for gold, making it the most sort after commodity according to the State’s Mines and Petroleum Minister Norman Moore

Penrice Soda Holdings Ltd and General Electrics have struck a deal to provide the coal seam gas (CSG) industry with a new process to remove brine from wastewater.

Australia and Germany have signed a Joint Declaration on Energy and Resources Cooperation which aims to increase cooperation and research and development collaboration between the two countries in the resource and energy sectors.

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