Young Australian tradies are ‘toughening up’ at the cost of their health, experts say.

A recent study has revealed a worrying trend among young Australian tradespeople: a significant number are ignoring pain and delaying treatment for injuries, a practice that is having a substantial impact on their quality of life. 

The findings from a survey by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) show that the misconception of youth as a shield against pain is pervasive, leading to a “toughen-up mentality” among young tradies.

Of the millennial tradies surveyed, 39 per cent admitted to ignoring pain while on the job. Around 78 per cent of respondents indicated that pain and discomfort hindered their ability to enjoy activities outside of work. 

“A lot of workers tend to ignore their body complaints and they don't seek advice, so they will just struggle, which will often increase the severity of the injury,” says the APA’s Michelle Strother.

The broader survey paints a potentially more concerning picture. 

Over 90 per cent of tradies reported experiencing work-related injuries or pain in the past year, with a significant portion attributing these issues directly to their work. 

Of these, 42 per cent described their pain as severe, with some enduring these conditions for months or even years. 

The physical toll of such injuries has led 24 per cent of respondents to express concern that they might need to retire early due to the stress on their bodies.

The APA's survey also revealed that 87 per cent of tradies resort to medication or self-medication to manage their pain, with 30 per cent turning to drugs or alcohol. 

This reliance on self-medication, coupled with the tendency to delay seeking professional help, exacerbates the issue, leading to chronic conditions that could have been prevented with earlier intervention.

The findings of this study suggest a critical need for increased awareness and education among young tradies regarding the importance of addressing pain early. 

Over half of those surveyed indicated that time and money were barriers to seeking physiotherapy.

The full report is accessible here (PDF).

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