Stronger silica regulations are being introduced.

Safe Work Australia has announced amendments to the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulations, starting September 1, which will affect all industries where workers are at risk of exposure to silica dust.

These regulatory changes mandate stronger controls for handling materials containing at least 1 per cent crystalline silica. 

Key requirements include the controlled processing of such substances and a thorough risk assessment for any work involving their processing. 

Specific attention is given to engineered stone, with additional obligations for managing high-risk processes, such as the preparation of a silica risk control plan.

The implementation of these amendments will vary by jurisdiction. 

Each state and territory in Australia must incorporate these changes into their local WHS laws before they take effect. 

Safe Work Australia advises businesses to consult their state or territory WHS regulator for details on how the amendments will be applied locally.

Safe Work Australia is offering resources designed to help businesses understand and fulfil their obligations under the updated regulations. 

The guidance materials outline the duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to either eliminate or minimise the risks associated with respirable crystalline silica. 

High-risk operations, particularly those involving engineered stone, are subject to additional regulatory scrutiny to ensure worker safety.

More information, all resources and guidance documents related to crystalline silica can be accessed on the official Be Silica Smart website.