Archived News for Industry Professionals
A report from an anti-coal community environment group says mines in the Hunter Valley use too much water.
Tassie's new group to get west working
The Tasmanian Government has put together a task force to help with rampant job losses in the state’s west coast mines.
Britain cools on coal, could be gone by 2023
The operator of the UK’s electricity grid says environmental rules will force the closure of almost all its coal-fired power plants by 2023.
Clean tech brings dawn of low demand
Everyday Australians are driving down demand for electricity at a fairly high rate, as rooftop solar and energy-efficient devices take hold.
Concrete claims fail to solidify for CFMEU probe
Accusations of industrial blackmail and illegal conduct have come to light in recent sittings of the royal commission into trade unions.
Extra steps questioned for big money moves
An inquiry will be held into corporate pressure and safety issues for the cash-in-transit sector.
Firing finding shows bosses should be mentally mindful
A Fair Work finding has shown the importance of big businesses looking after their employees’ mental health as much as their physical safety.
Local gas and pragmatism in union's new view
The new head of the Australian Workers’' Union is moving away from the plans laid by his predecessor, and pushing for better protection of some domestic resources.
Potential builds for energetic new face
Some high-tech building projects could be a sign of the future of intelligent structural design.
Queensland closure to push big rigs onto Murphy's
No oversize trucks will be allowed to travel up the Toowoomba range for part of this month.
Restart sending many back on path to work
The Federal Government has officially launched its Restart programme, designed to help more mature-aged job-seekers into the workforce.
Some spared by weekend repeal change
The next version of the carbon tax repeal bill will include big fines for energy companies that do not pass savings on to customers.
Strike set in WA port fight
Western Australian stevedores and port maintenance workers will strike, saying lengthy negotiations have yielded little progress.
Trucking trials and tribulation laid at Transport's door
The South Australian Road Transport Association (SARTA) has a meeting booked with the state’s transport minister this week, and it says it has plenty to tell him.
Old chemical rears head in Adelaide air and water
The phrase “safe as houses” means little for residents of one Adelaide suburb, who have had to evacuate ahead of the demolition of homes after a toxic contaminant was found.
Billionth tonne heads on Japan's iron road
BHP Billiton has shipped its one billionth tonne of iron ore to Japan.
Desert dump wanted for broad social boost
Traditional owners in the Gibson Desert could host a nuclear waste dump previously intended for Muckaty Station.
Grain line closure causes local road worry
Locals are concerned that the closure of some key WA train lines will force streams of trucks onto their roads.
Koala qualms calmed by special squad
The New South Wales Roads and Freight Minister says a specialist team will ensure that a koala community is kept safe when a Pacific Highway addition is cut through their home.
New firm digs into rural mine safety
A new company focused on mine safety and emergency response is getting off the ground.
Papers pass over loud calls for roads
South Australia’s latest State Budget is out, but figures in the freight industry say their pressing needs have been ignored.